September 26: CBA Mom’s Night Out

Mom’s Night Out is back!  September 26th, 6:30 pm at El Molino 5900 Rivers Ave. Enjoy dinner from their taqueria with your fellow CBA mamas!  Sponsored by PTF

2nd Annual Mighty Oak Art Contest

It’s time for the second annual CBA Mighty Oaks drawing contest!  The mascot for Charleston Bilingual Academy is the Mighty Oak. Why an oak tree? As we look outside, the oak trees of Charleston remind us of why we do what we do. Their branches spread far and wide, bearing fruit, serving others as they […]

Early Childhood (EC) Education News for the Week of 9/17/23

Do you have someone that you would like to highlight and add to the growing Hispanic Heritage Month presentation? Email Ms. Margarita to add your suggestion to the Hispanic Heritage Month presentation. As the only bilingual school in SC, with the most diverse student population (according to the former Chief of Police of North Charleston […]

Mighty Oak Mentions

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of those from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. National Hispanic Heritage Month was signed into law by President Reagan after it had been expanded from National Hispanic Heritage Week (signed into law […]

4K Pancake Pals

PTF welcomes 4K families to Pancake Pals Breakfast on Friday, Oct 6, 8:00-8:30. Breakfast is $5 per person. It will be set-up in the Fellowship hall. Should the Fellowship hall seating be full, you and your child can make a plate and head to your child’s classroom to enjoy breakfast.  You will need to remain […]

Grades 1-7 Professional Development/Early Release Days

Five times throughout the year CBA has Professional Development provided for the teachers & staff on a Friday, as published in our yearly calendar. This requires an Early Release Friday (ER Friday) for Grades 1-7. Students with the last names of beginning A-J are dismissed at 1:15 and K-Z are dismissed at 1:25.   *All after-school […]

Little Mozart classes have begun at CBA

Little Mozart Music Program at the Charleston Bilingual Academy is excited to return to group classes for the 2023-2024 school year. Children experience higher motivation levels in group classes than in individual lessons especially for the younger players. Little Mozart creates short stories for their students to learn music. Click here to listen.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at CBA 2023

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at CBA 2023 As the only bilingual school in SC, with the most diverse student population (according to the former Chief of Police of North Charleston and now mayoral candidate Reggie Burgess), it’s our joy to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) in this part of the year. Our observance […]

November 3: Save the Date for “Farewell to Fall Festival”

Save the Date! In lieu of Family Movie Night this year, we will be doing a ‘Farewell to Fall Festival’ on November 3rd (4-7 pm). This FREE family friendly event will have jump castles, food trucks and a CBA vendor market. Be on the look -out for more information, as well as vendor sign-ups.