K5 Pancake Pals: CANCELLED

1/15: K5 Pancake Pals has been cancelled for this month. K5 Pancake Pals, January 19 Join your Kindergartener & their friends for a Pancake Breakfast Friday, January 19. Breakfast is $5 per person and will be served from 7:45-8:15 in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP using the link below https://k5-pancake-pals-jan-19.cheddarup.com Please volunteer for Pancake Pals […]

Happy New Year, 2024!

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

$35,000 Match

We are so GRATEFUL that 40 people have donated over $30,000. We only have $1,034 left to raise to meet our $35,000 match by December 31. Click here to give: https://charlestonbilingualacademy.org/building-campaign/

CBA 2023 Celebrations

Watch Dr. Nathan Johnson discuss the Celebrations of 2023 and what is coming for 2024! https://youtu.be/Fy4gv8aHXIo

December Character Quality: Humility

The character quality for the month of December: Humility Definition: Recognizing and admitting my total dependence on God Reference: Micah 6:8 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: Learn to ask for and accept help Admit when I am wrong and seek forgiveness  Put the needs of others […]

CBA Celebration of Giving *Update*

“Celebration of Giving” **UPDATE** Thank you so much for your support as we raise funds towards school safety! The overall goal for the year is $300,000. Our immediate goal is to meet two matches – $35,000 total – by Dec 31. 28 donors have already given $19,471 towards the goal! We need at least $15,529 […]

UPDATE: Semester 1 extracurricular activities end December 14; Semester 2 activities start January 8 – REGISTER NOW!

UPDATE 1/8/24: Semester 2 registration is now open for all extracurricular activities!  Registration does not auto-renew. Students who attended karate or soccer in Semester 1 will need to re-register for Semester 2. Students continuing through both semesters will be exempt from the Semester 2 registration fee. Click these links to register for Sports, Mandarin Club (Grades 1-7), or Art Club (Grades 1-4), or STEM Club (NEW in […]