K3 Pancake Pals

PTF welcomes K3 families to Pancake Pals Breakfast on Friday, Nov 3, 8:00-8:30. Breakfast is $5 per person. It will be set-up in the Fellowship hall. Should the Fellowship hall seating be full, you and your child can make a plate and head to your child’s classroom to enjoy breakfast.  You will need to remain […]

2023 CBA Fall Fundraiser

Dear CBA parents, Fall is upon us! And fall is a time of year to count our blessings and share our blessings. As I count the blessings I see in and at CBA, I would like to invite you into an opportunity to share blessings through our fall fundraiser. As I mentioned in a communication […]

October 30-November 3: CBA Business Blitz

Do you have a business, product or service you would like to share to the CBA Community? During the week of October 30-November 5, the CBA Community Connections Facebook page is hosting a “Business Blitz.” Just simply make a post describing your business and any details you want to share. That’s it! Let’s enjoy learning and […]

October Character Quality: Honor

The character quality for the month of October: Honor Definition: Treating others with respect and dignity Reference: Phillipians 2:3-4 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: See myself and others as created by God with value and importance Care for people no matter where they are from and […]

October 25: Headmaster’s Chat/Parent Connect

Parent Chat with a Firsties Focus First Grade – is a big step! A step from half-day to full-day school! A step from ‘play-based’ to ‘project-based’ A step towards increased  independence And a leap forward in reading and writing!  And we want to walk those steps with you! Come join Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Lane […]

October 17: CBA Mom’s Night Out Pool Party

Save the date: CBA Moms Night Out Pool Party! October 17 @ 6:30 pm at Rachel Leonard’s (5039 Spaniel Dr, North Charleston). Whether you like to lounge beside, dip your toes, cannon ball into the pool or relax in the hot tub- it will be a great time. Please bring $10 to contribute to the […]

October 13: Grades 1-7 Professional Development/Early Release Day

Friday, October 13, will be the second of five, Professional Development/Early release Day of the school year. Five times throughout the year CBA has Professional Development provided for the teachers & staff on a Friday, as published in our yearly calendar. This requires an Early Release Friday (ER Friday) for Grades 1-7. Students with the […]

Action Needed: Photo Permission

Throughout the year, we take the children’s pictures. It is also possible that local media will feature our classrooms. Do you give your permission for CBA to use these pictures on our school website, newsletter, social media pages, and school apps? This year, we have only received photo release forms for 27 students.  Parents, please be sure […]

October 14: Legare Farms Pumpkin Patch @ 9:00

Join CBA at our annual trip to Legare Farms Pumpkin Patch! October 14 @ 9:00 am Legare Farms has been gracious enough to open their gates for CBA at 9:00!  Once you get to the entrance gate let them know that you are with CBA. You will need to pickup your hayride tickets first since […]