Dismissal Time Reminders
Parents, we ask that you please review section 5.2.2 Dismissal Times in the CBA Parent-Student Handbook:
● EC (2yo – 4K) without Lunch Bunch: 11:50 am
● EC (2yo – 4K) with Lunch Bunch: 12:25 pm ***see note below 
● Kindergarten without Afternoon Program: 12:45pm
● Kindergarten with Afternoon Program: 3:15pm
● Grades 1- 4: 3:15pm
● Grades 5 – 8: 3:30pm
● Grades 1 – 8: PD Fridays dismiss at 1:15 pm
● Grades 1 – 8: Half Days dismiss at 12 noon
For student safety, if parents need to pick up their Elem/MS child early, they should do so before 3:00. No students will be released 15 minutes prior to dismissal.
***EC families – If you are stopped by the train, delayed by an accident, etc., you may enroll your child for a one-time drop-in Lunch Bunch for that day by texting the school.  If you expect to arrive after 12:30pm, please make arrangements with another parent to pick up the child for you and wait or have another guardian such as the child’s grandparents to pick up your child.  Consistently late LB pick-up will result in withdrawal from Lunch Bunch.

Elementary/Middle School

Early Childhood

Arrival for Kindergarten begins at 8:15 am and Preschool begins at 8:25 am.
Please note: We have families with children in both campuses, so we stagger drop-off times. Elementary/MS drop-off starts at 7:50. Parents need time for their child to exit their vehicle at HABC, and then, time to drive to the FBC campus, park, and take their child to the drop-off area.
The youngest ones, who are harder to get out the door of home and the vehicle are last. However, we encourage our families to be early to beat traffic and hang in play areas until drop-off time.