All families are invited to attend as there will be:

-time to go over the “mapping of the year” (9:30-9:50)

-time to meet the teachers in the classrooms and get a copy of the schedule (9:55-10:05)

-orientation time in small groups led by veteran parents in the play areas such as the ones next to soccer field, the playground facing Lackawanna Boulevard, etc. (10:10-10:20)

-healthy popsicles at 10:25 in the basketball court and dismissal (or hang out some more if you have time)

If you attended the Kindergarten MMTD, you don’t have to attend the Preschool MTTD.  

**All parents will be notified of their child’s class assignment before their scheduled Meet the Teacher Day.  EC parents will be able to see their child’s classes on ClassDojo by Monday evening.