🎉 Weekly Celebration Report 🎉

Each week, we will highlight exciting happenings from around our campuses to share in the enthusiasm and excitement of our school community. We hope these updates will keep you informed and inspired about the amazing things happening at Charleston Bilingual Academy!

HABC Campus 📚: Our Grade 7 and 8 students engaged in a dynamic Four Corner Debate that showcased their critical thinking skills and passion for discussion. After a statement was written on the board, students took a stand on whether they Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree. The debate was lively, with students not only articulating their positions but also analyzing and challenging each other’s arguments. A standout moment was when students used their Bibles to support their views, leading to thoughtful reconsiderations of their initial stances. Well done, students! Your commitment to respectful dialogue and deep thinking is inspiring. 👏

FBC Campus 🌟: We are thrilled to report a smooth start to the school year at our Early Childhood Campus! While it’s natural for our youngest students to experience some separation anxiety as they adjust to new routines and teachers, we are seeing fewer tears this year. The blend of many returning students, siblings of current students, and our highly trained teachers in social-emotional regulation has created a positive and nurturing environment. We are grateful for the warmth and experience of our team, which is making this transition smoother for everyone. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead with lots of growth and joy! 🌼